March 21-24, 2024:
March 21, 2024:
March 21, 2024:
March 21, 2024:
December 6, 2023:
November 7, 2023:
November 6, 2023:
September 23, 2023:
September 15, 2023:
May 8, 2023:
Revelation Knaani Canaan Dogs congratulates the Westminster Kennel Club breed winners (from right to left):
A special thanks to Vino for showing with his Best of Breed- and Best of Opposite Sex-winning offspring. Another thanks to Liora Ben-Sorek for the lovely photo. May 8, 2023:
May 6, 2023:
May 5, 2023:
May 4, 2023:
December 19, 2022:
November 19, 2022:
July 22, 2022:
June 21, 2022:
June 20, 2022:
May 24, 2022:
- And here he is: Eastlands Revelation Ellenni Ephraim Hadash--"Rami"! Two UKC Puppy Best in Shows and two Puppy Reserve Best in Shows. Good puppy.
March 30, 2022:
- All the puppies are now in loving homes. Stay tuned for the adventures of the puppy formerly known as "Mr. Spotty."
December 30, 2021:
- Puppies! Vino and Lacey have five puppies on December 23, and Avi and Tirzah have four puppies on December 30. Vino and Lacey's puppies are now in Raleigh, NC, and Avi and Tirzah's puppies are now with us.
December 19, 2021:
- What a week! Avi wins Best of Breed at the American Kennel Club Royal Canin Championship in Orlando. Estee wins Best of Opposite Sex, her mother Anni wins the Award of Excellence, and sister Lili is Best of Winners.
- Avi ends his unprecedented fifth consecutive year as the #1 Canaan Dog in Breed, All-Breed, and Grand Champion Points.
From left to right: Anni, Avi, and Estee.
November 12, 2021:
- Avi wins the Canaan Dog Club of America National Specialty. His niece Estee is Best of Opposite Sex, and his sister Anni is Best Owner-Handled. Anni also wins Best Brood Bitch with her daughters Estee and Lili, and Anni, Galya (Anni's mother), amd Lili win the Three Generations title.
October 28, 2021:
- Possible puppies around Christmas. Please contact us for more details.
October 6, 2021:
- Incredible. Avi becomes the only dog (or bitch) to win back-to-back Best of Breeds at the prestigious Morris & Essex Kennel Club Show. The show is typically only held once every five years, or in this case, once every six years.
- If that was not enough, our six month and two day old puppy, Revelation Aharon Aviv, won Best of Winners (and a major), his littermate sister Revelation Adiva Aviva of Samara won Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch (and a major), and their sister Revelation Liluri Aviv was Reserve Winners Bitch. Not to be left out, their mother GCHS Pleasant Hill Anni Aharona of Carters Creek ATT won Select Bitch. What a great day!
- Watch Avi compete in the Morris & Essex Herding Group (at 8:40 of the video)
September 12, 2021:
- Luca wins Best of Breed at the Limburgse Kynologen Vereniging LKV show in Belgium and becomes the first Revelation Knaani Canaan Dog to qualify for Crufts! Congratulations to Luca and his family. Revelation Lev Adin at Spitzville (Vino x Anni).
August 25, 2021:
- Silly Lili likes to relax on agility equipment. She does deserve a bit of a rest after completing her puppy kindergarten, earning her AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy ribbon, and winning a conformation Puppy Group 2. Revelation Liluri Aviv (Vino x Anni).
August 1, 2021:
June 30, 2021:
- Avi's front page story in the Fauquier Times.
June 12, 2021:
June 12, 2021:
- Avi getting ready to show in the Herding Group competition at Westminster, from backstage. This is in a tent. Incredible.
June 12, 2021:
- Anni wins Select Bitch at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show just 9 weeks after having puppies. What a wonderful girl.
June 12, 2021:
- Avi wins Best of Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show for the fourth consecutive time. He is simply amazing. Thanks to Brittany Cipriotti for piloting Avi to all four incredible wins.
- You can watch the Westminster Kennel Club Best of Breed judging here:
June 9, 2021:
- Avi's new ad in American Dog Fancier.
June 6, 2021:
- Revelation Aharon heads out. I predict he'll continue to be right in the middle of whatever is going on.
June 5, 2021:
- Revelation Tzevi departs for his new home and new adventures. We'll see you soon, puppy.
May 30, 2021:
- Avi wins a Herding Group 2 at the Cincinnati Kennel Club show. A good stop on the road to Westminster!
April 23, 2021:
- Avi wins the Herding Group at the Dan Emmett Kennel Club show in Marion, OH. Avi has won the Herding Group more than any other Canaan Dog in history! A great start on the road to Westminster in June!

April 10-11, 2021:
- At the Shawnee Kennel Club shows, Avi wins the Owner-Handled Herding Group and earns a regular Herding Group 2 on Saturday. On Sunday, he wins an Owner-Handled Herding Group 2 and a regular Herding Group 4. Busy boy.
April 4, 2021:
- Another Easter/Passover puppy! Tirzah and Avi have one puppy Sunday afternoon. Check out the Canaan Dog Puppies page for more.
April 4, 2021:
- Easter/Passover puppies! Anni and Vino have 4 puppies early on Sunday morning. Check out the Canaan Dog Puppies page for more.
March 30, 2021:
- Looks like 4 puppies for Anni and Vino, sometime around April 3.
March 12, 2021:
- Kari earns her AKC Championship! She is now CH Revelation Sukaryat Lev.
March 10, 2021:
- Who is that in the AKC Gazette this month?
March 2, 2021:
- It looks like Anni and Vino are expecting puppies sometime around April 3!
February 14, 2021:
- Kari enjoys one of her presents. One that takes more than three minutes to shred. Happy 1st Birthday to the Valentine's Day Four!
February 8, 2021:
- Look who's the Israel Canaan Dog Club of America's Dog of the Quarter:
January 23, 2021:
- From Donna Dodson's archives: Dr. Rudolphina Menzel with Jack and Martha Kovitz and their Canaan Dogs Mimi (Naomi of Massada) and Aaron (Aaron of Panda-Bear).
January 14-15, 2021:
- Anni becomes only the second Canaan Dog bitch in history to earn a Silver Grand Championship.
- And the very next day she earned her American Temperament Test Title. Time for a vacation Anni!
December 20, 2020:
- Avi earns his FCAT. He is one of the very few conformation Platinum Grand Champions to ever earn this title.
December 11, 2020:
- Kari wins the breed at the AKC Royal Canin National Puppy and Junior Stakes
November 25, 2020:
- Watch Avi in the final Herding Group judging at the National Dog Show:
November 25, 2020:
- Avi earns a Herding Group placement at the National Dog Show, an historic event for the Canaan Dog breed. To watch his judging by esteemed Judge Mrs. June A. Penta, go to
November 14, 2020:
- Avi makes the cut at the prestigious National Dog Show! Watch the show on Thanksgiving Day on NBC, noon-2pm, to see how Avi does in the Herding Group competition.
November 8, 2020:
- Avi becomes the first Canaan Dog in history to earn the title of Platinum Grand Champion. Thank you Judge Sharol Candace Way for your interest in and support of the Canaan Dog breed.
November 5, 2020:
- Luca (Revelation Lev Adin) is featured in the German Nordic Dog Club magazine.
November 5, 2020:
- Look who's on the front page of the AKC's website. Read the full article here:
November 1, 2020:
- Check out Avi's latest ad in the year-end issue of Canine Chronicle.
October 22, 2020:
- We're hoping for a 2021 spring litter. Please contact us for more information.
September 13, 2020:
- Kari earns her first conformation point!
September 12, 2020:
- Vino becomes the first Canaan Dog to earn an FCAT2 title!