GCHP Pleasant Hill Avram of Carters Creek CA FCAT3 CGC TKN FITG CDCA-HCX -DOTY -V ("Avi")
- Multiple Best in Show
- Multiple Reserve Best in Show
- Multiple Best in Specialty Show
- Multiple Best Owner-Handled in Show
- Multiple Best Brace in Show (with his sister Anni)
- The first (and only) Platinum Grand Champion Canaan Dog
- 3-time Best in Show at the Canaan Dog Club of America National Specialty
- Best in Veteran Sweeps and Best Veteran, CDCA National Specialty
- Lure coursing, Fast CAT, and herding trial titled
- Canaan Dog Club of America Versatility titled
- The top Herding Group winning Canaan Dog in history
- Over 180 Herding Group placements
- The #1 Canaan Dog in Breed, Allbreed, and Grand Champion points in 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.
- The #23 Herding Dog in 2019
- Multiple Best of Breed Winner at Westminster, the National Dog Show, the American Kennel Club Championship, and the Morris & Essex Kennel Club Show
- Herding Group 4 at the 2020 National Dog Show (the only Canaan Dog to ever place at this prestigious show)
- Canaan Dog Club of America Dog of the Year
- UKC Emerald Grand Champion and the only 4-time Israel Canaan Dog Club of America National Best of Breed winner
- UKC Best of Best in Shows winner
- The only Canaan Dog to win both AKC and UKC Bests in Show
- The only Canaan Dog in history to win both AKC and UKC National Specialties
- One of the top conformation Canaan Dogs in history
Bred by Donna L. Dodson
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